Serving the Central Okanagan, North Okanagan,
Columbia-Shuswap, Kootenay Boundary, Central Kootenay & Okanagan-Similkameen Districts


#109-1960 Springfield Road Kelowna, BC V1Y 5V7

Clinic Hours:

9:00am-4:00pm (Mon-Thurs) 
9:00am-4:00pm (Fri)

Phone Number:

(778) 478-7014

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Cranial Remolding Process

The First Visit

Although a physician’s referral is preferred it is not mandatory for a first appointment. Families can self refer but a  physician, physiotherapist, nurse or other healthcare provider’s referral is preferred.

Appointments can be scheduled at our Kelowna office or one of our other clinic locations. Initial appointments are about 1 hour in length and may include measuring the infants head with conventional devices and/or the Smart Soc 3D imaging. Initial appointments are free of charge. Our certified Orthotists will discuss the results and will give you a recommendation on treatment protocol as per the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s scale of severity and treatment.

When a client is ready to proceed with the cranial remolding process for their infant or during the initial visit, a comprehensive patient evaluation is conducted. This evaluation includes gathering patient history, clinical photographs, and a discussion of the treatment process. The baby’s head is then scanned to ensure a proper fit for the cranial orthotic helmet. Helmets are typically ready for fitting within 7 to 10 business days after the scan appointment. 

Ortho Design uses STARband cranial remolding orthosis, which is currently the most commonly prescribed cranial orthosis available, and provides a wide range of design choices, including options for 3D printed designs.

Ortho Design uses SmartSoc technology to scan the infant’s head, ensuring a proper fit. 

Fitting & Follow-up

The fitting appointment usually takes 1 to 3 hours, and a follow-up appointment is scheduled for 7-14 days after the fitting. Subsequent follow-up appointments occur every 2 to 4 weeks for the next 3 to 4 months, although for older babies or severe cases, the timeframe may be extended up to 6 months.

It’s important to note that cranial remolding helmets are custom-made for each individual baby. The adjustments required may vary depending on the specific helmet design and the baby’s condition.

Typical Adjustments in the Cranial Remolding Process

As the baby grows, certain adjustments may be made to ensure the helmet continues to fit properly and accommodate the changes in their head shape. Here are some common adjustments that can be made:

  1. Padding: The helmet typically contains removable padding that can be adjusted or replaced to provide a snug fit. Thicker or thinner pads may be used to compensate for changes in head size.

  2. Straps and bands: The straps and bands on the helmet can be adjusted to accommodate the growth of the baby’s head. These adjustments ensure a secure fit and maintain proper pressure distribution.

Mom and baby in SmartSoc
Images Courtesy of Orthomerica Products

Image showing SmartSoc Sleeve used to capture the baby’s head shape.

Why StarBand?

STARband is the most prescribed cranial remolding orthosis in the world with over 600,000 infants worldwide benefiting from the STARband since 2000. Learn more...

More About
SmartSoc Technology

SmartSoc technology offers a non-invasive method for Orthotists to scan an infant's head as part of the preparation for fitting a cranial orthotic. This advanced technology enables precise measurements and mapping of the head shape. Learn more about this innovative approach ...

Misconceptions About Foam
Cranial Orthosis?

Misconceptions about foam cranial remolding helmets or trendy advertising about fad alternatives often cloud people's understanding of their purpose and effectiveness ... Learn more ...